50 Powerful TD Jakes Quotes That Will Inspire You To Never Give Up
Last Updated: 03 October 2019
Thomas Dexter “T.D.” Jakes is the bishop of The Potter’s House, an American Christian Church.
He has inspired millions of people through his powerful preaching and writing.
If you feel broken or you’re going through a lot of trials and tribulations and in desperate need of a fresh wind of motivation . . .
. . . Check out our collection of some of the best inspirational quotes by T.D. Jakes.
May these words of wisdom inspire you to keep running and never give up.
God did not bring you this far, just to let you die in the wilderness. Keep Going. God is always on your side.
Inspirational TD Jakes Quotes
1. When God begins to move you along in life, it’s not an elevator. It’s a step-by-step process.
2. You can’t be saved by what it was. You can only be saved by what it is.

5. Faith is the substance of the things I hope for and it is the evidence of the things I don’t see. If I see it, I don’t need faith for it. I need faith for what I can’t see.
6. Whatever that devil has done to you in this season. It may have scared you to death. It may look like bad has gone to worse. But The Lord said there’s going to be a resurrection in your life, so that everybody around you can see the very power of the Holy Ghost.
7. God sent something in your life that you care about, that you pray about, that you heard about, that you cry about, so that the divine nature of Christ can be manifested in your life.
8. I believe He’ll give me double for my trouble and when you believe like that you get like that.
9. You have accepted some things as normal and adjusted your way of life to accommodate something that was never meant to be. You just go sit there and let the enemy take your stuff, take your life, take your family, take your son, take your daughter, take your grandkids? You just go lay back and let him have your job, have your influence, have your business? You just gonna hand it over without a fight? You not go fight or nothing? You not go to spiritual warfare? You not go fight in the spirit? You just gonna let him have your territory? You better fight for your territory!
10. People say: I like stories with a happy ending. But what makes a happy ending is a hateful middle.

13. When The Lord allows you to lose something, as a child of God, you have to have in your mind and in your heart and in your spirit that if God allowed me to lose it He’s going to replace it with something better in my life.
14. Just because the ship comes apart, doesn’t mean that you have to come apart. In fact, the destruction of the boat could be an announcement that you have arrived at your destination.
15. Just because things are broken in your life doesn’t mean you can’t survive.
16. As long as you were a spectator, the devil was alright with that, but the moment you start raving your head and worshiping God, all hell breaks loose.
17. It’s an urge. Every champion has felt it. Every president has felt it. Every King has felt it. Every lion has felt it. Every winner has felt it. Every soldier has felt it. Every victorious person has felt it. The urge to quit. Don’t you give up on your dream.
18. I have faith in the middle of faith – that’s when you need faith. I don’t need faith in success. I need faith in failure.
19. Failure is a part of your training.
20. I’ve been sick before; I made it. I’ve been broke before; I made it. I’ve been brokenhearted before, I made it. I cried all night, but I’m made it. I’ve been betrayed, but I made it. I’ve been lied on, but I made it. I’ve been destitute, but I made it. I’ve been rejected, but I made it.
21. You can’t get enough people to tell you that you are pretty when you think you’re ugly.
22. If you’re looking for a leadership, you don’t always have to look to the front to find it. Great leadership doesn’t start out on the stage. It doesn’t start out as governor’s or mayor’s or presidents or CEOs or managers. Great leadership starts out in the back.

25. The moment you try to break away from where you came from and take over new territory, that’s when all hell breaks loose in your life.
26. Be still and know that I’m God. I’m bigger than your problem. I’m bigger than your circumstance. I’m bigger than your situation. This is not your battle. You don’t have to handle this. This is God’s battle. God will work it out. All you have to do is: be still and know that I’m God.
27. Do not allow the cares of this world destroy your passion for living. You have to run after it. Success is always intentional.
28. Don’t let anybody tell you that being in the will of God means you won’t get in trouble, because Jesus was in the will of God when He went to the cross. Job was in the will of God and got in all kinds of trouble – lost his children, lost his stuff, lost his marriage and everything, all of his friends came along and said you man you must not be living right, but God said that Job was a faithful and an upright man that eschewed evil.
29. I don’t know what you’re going through in your life. I don’t know what you’ve got to deal with at this moment, but whatever that thing that shocked you and blindsided you and seemingly came out of nowhere, the battle is not yours it belongs to God. God is going to get the victory if you just believe it.
30. You are no better than the thuoghts you think. If you think little, you go little. If you think weak, you go weak.
31. I would rather aim for the stars and not hit them, than to not aim at all. I would rather go after it and not get it, than not go after it at all. I’d rather try and fail, then not try at all. I don’t want to live with the idea wonder what would have happened had I’ve done more with my life. I’m going to go for it, come hell or high water, I’m going after my destiny.
32. Some of you think the victory is getting rid of the thorn and you’ve been praying for years trying to get rid of the thorn, but the thorn is not the issue. It’s a distraction. What God is trying to teach you through the thorn is that you can have the thorn and do it anyway. You think you don’t have the victory until you get rid of the thorn, but the thorn is not the problem. It’s something for you to exercise with.

35. I will not face a giant without you. I will not make a major decision without prayer. I will not bring somebody into my life just because they please me. I’ll submit myself, my destiny, my future over to you. You are my foundation. You are my rock. You are my fortress. You are my strength. You are my defense, without you I can’t do nothing.
36. Every victor is a victim in some area of their life and every victim is a victor in some area of their life.
37. Stop trying to glue the boat back together. It may not ever be like it was. But, grab whatever it is and hold on to it ’till you get where you’re trying to go.
38. When you start running for one thing, you gonna keep running from everything. That’s why, you need to stop running and face whatever you gotta face and deal with whatever you got to deal with.
39. Jehovah brought the children of Israel out of Egypt, not just to wash them in the blood or dip them in the water and not just to destroy Pharaoh. He brought their generation out to change the culture. It was supposed to be a three days journey. It took 40 years. It should have been a three days journey, but it took them 40 years. He let them go around, and around, and around the same mountain for 40 years. You’re having the same argument with the same husband for the last 20-some years. You’ve gone through the same pattern of the same stuff with the same child for the last 10 years. You’ve been putting up with the same craziness on the same job for the last 25 years. You tried to leave and you tried to quit. But God just let you wander around the same mountain over and over again and you thought victory was changing the mountain but victory is the mountain changing you.
40. You will never completely be healed or whole until you change the voice inside of your own head.
41. It takes courage to live out your dreams. But, it takes patience to survive your storms. You need both today.
42. If you run after your destiny, you won’t have to fight with your history.
43. Are you committed? Because without commitment nothing happens.
44. Sometimes, you’re asking God to fix things that He sent in your life to give you discipline, training and get you how to really be a Christian and stop just being somebody who goes to the father’s house.

47. You do make a difference. As weak as you are, as tired as you are, as many mistakes as you made, you do make a difference. There is something they would lose if you were not there. You do make a difference.
48. God will give you downtown to prep them for the pressure of what He’s about to release in your life.
49. You gotta run after your destiny. You can’t stroll after your destiny. You can’t walk after your destiny. You gotta run after your destiny.
50. The truth of the matter is whom The Lord loveth, He chasteneth.
51. If you can’t figure out your purpose, figure out your passion. For your passion will lead you right into your purpose.
52. Don’t spend all your time trying to fix what’s behind you, because you’ll never be able to fix what’s behind you. You have to run after what’s in front of you.
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