10 Prayers For World Peace And Unity In The World
Last Updated: 26 February 2021
We all need a little peace and quiet in this hectic world so that we can better focus on the things that are important. We want peace among the nations so that we don’t have to go to war with each other. There must be more unity among our political leaders, who must stand down and stop starting wars. There must be an end to the bickering and fighting that goes on within nations. We need peace in our communities so that we can work together to solve our problems.
There will always be conflicts in every country, but let us pray and hope that we can find a way to live together in harmony instead of going to war. The Lord is able to give us peace, if only we humble ourselves and seek His will.
Here’s a collection to guide you in your prayers for world peace, unity and harmony.
Chapter 1
Universal Prayers for World Peace

1st Prayer for World Peace
Magnificent God,
Heaven declares your glory and they show the work of your hands. All the earth and all that is on it comes from you.
I come before you today and thank you for this earth that you have given us. I am eternally grateful for this planet that we call home. But as you can see things are not going well. There are too much hatred and conflict and unhappiness in this world.
I ask you to extend your hands and spread love and peace in this world. Peace among the peoples, peace in every nation and peace in every home. May your divine love spread like wildfire through civilization. I now place our entire world in your hands. Your will be done. Amen.
2nd Prayer for World Peace
Marvelous Lord,
Praise I give you, because your name is the most wonderful in all the Universe. Your love is deeper than the ocean. And the peace that comes from trusting you, is so much greater than any worldly peace.
I humbly ask today that this indescribable peace reign over every corner of this earth. I ask for peace to reign between the leaders of this world. May peace prevail among the nations. Let peace reign within the societies of every country. May peace reign among all organizations. And may peace dwell within every home. Thank you in advance for answering this prayer. Amen.
Prayer for Peace for Individual Countries
My God,
The wonderful work of your hands can be seen in all the Universe. The whole earth and everything on it comes from you. Nations are founded with your approval. You give and you take away. You are able to establish nations, but you also have power to overthrow them and cause them to come to their feet.
I ask you today to lift up your hands and cause your love, peace and blessing to rain down upon every nation. Although we are often stubborn and do as if we don’t need you, the reality is that we do need you. And we need you more than ever. Come and heal our lands. Come and restore our nations. Cause us to humble ourselves before you and recognize that we need you more than ever. I ask these things through my Lord Jesus. Amen.
Prayer for Critical World Problems
Awesome God,
You have given us this land to inhabit, but You know very well that it is not doing well and we need Your intervention to heal our land and give us the guidance to be better stewards.
Today I present to You the most critical issues affecting us. I ask You to improve the lack of economic opportunity. May more businesses prosper so that there will be less unemployment. Eliminate the wars between nations and all kinds of conflicts that countries have internally.
Lord, you are our provider; I ask you to please provide food and water for all those in need. Eradicate corruption in governments and bring corrupt leaders to justice. We also need to make our leaders more accountable for their actions. Do something Lord, against every kind of economic inequality, racism and all kinds of unfair treatment.
I pray that peace and prosperity will prevail and that everyone will benefit from the riches of this earth. Amen.
Chapter 2
Prayers for the Leaders of the World

General Prayer for All Leaders
Glorious Lord,
I know I can enter your house, because of your incomparable love. Great things you have done, and I praise you for that.
Today I come and present before you all the leaders of the nations of this planet. I present to you kings and presidents; government leaders and those who are at the head of an organization; and also every leader of every household.
I pray that you will give each one the wisdom and courage to make better decisions. I ask that you give them the strength to face every adversity that may threaten their people. I pray that you will give them eyes that can see opportunities and intelligence to create a better future for us all. Amen.
Prayer to Stop Poor Execution and Lack of Accountability
Eternal God,
I pray today that you will bring every person who holds a position of leadership accountable for their actions. Bring to light the wrongdoings of those in power and the government, so that proper action can be taken to correct them. Unmask all those who steal and use our resources for their own benefit. Cause all dark plans with evil intentions to never come to fruition. Remove those who are unworthy of those positions and put those who truly work for the welfare of the whole world. Show those in power how they can make things better for everyone else. Rise up, Oh Lord and answer my prayer. Amen.
A Blessing Prayer for All Leaders
Great Father,
Bless my president and all those who are in front of my government. Bless all owners and managers of all businesses in this country. Bless all those in front of an organization. Bless all religious clergy and spiritual leaders. Bless all fathers and mothers of families. Open the windows of heaven and let your wisdom, love, peace rain down on each of them. Please extend your mighty hands and give them strength to continue. Amen.
Chapter 3
Prayers for Unity and Harmony for the Nations

Prayer for Unity among Nations
Everlasting Father,
You sit on your throne and you rule from the Heavens. I come this day before you who sit on the highest throne. I come to you who sees all the discord and division among the nations of this world which you created with all your dedication.
I pray to you that you bring the nations closer to one another. Open the eyes of the leaders and let them see that unity will benefit the whole world. Instill in their hearts humbleness, and eliminate every selfish attitude and belief. May we recognize that only together we can solve our problems and bring prosperity to everyone. Punish all instigators of war and disunity. Punish all those who sow the seeds of disunity for commercial purposes. Please heal the ties between nations, and bring reconciliation, forgiveness and lasting peace among them. I trust you to answer my prayer. Amen.
Prayer for Unity in a Country
Dear Lord,
Praise be unto you; your name is glorious and awe-inspiring. You know everything and you also know that from generation to generation civil wars is something very common. You well know that many times we try to solve our differences by slaughtering one another.
I ask you to bless us with your gift of reasoning. Make everyone understand that only with mutual respect and serenity, we can resolve our differences. Let your wind of love and peace blow over our nation and calm every discord and discontent among the people. Equip us with your love, so that we may love more. Give us your wisdom so that we may see things better and make better decisions. Help us to accept others the way they are and try to live in peace with our neighbors. For I ask this in Jesus name. Amen.
Prayer for Unity and Harmony in Households
Amazing God,
You are not a God of disunion, but of unity and fraternity. You are not a God of war, but of love, peace and serenity. Therefore, I ask you to eliminate conflict in the homes of this nation and bring love, peace and tranquility. Help the spouses to understand each other better. Help parents with the formation of their children. Help children live in peace with others. May your blessing, your love, your peace fall upon our homes. And may your light illuminate our paths. Amen.
Chapter 4
How to Make Your Own Prayers for World Peace

Praying to God is simply talking to Him. You can learn how to pray for yourself and how to make your own prayers for world peace. The more you do it, the better you will get at it, and the more natural it will feel. We give you here a very practical guide to help you on your prayer journey. It contains several steps you can use in making your own prayers for world peace with the help of the Holy Scripture.
Step 1 – Reflect on the following Bible Verses:
Romans 14:19
So then, let’s follow after things which make for peace, and things by which we may build one another up.
Psalm 34:14
Turn away from evil and do good; seek peace and pursue it.
1 Peter 3:8
Finally, all of you be like-minded, compassionate, loving as brothers, tenderhearted, courteous, not rendering evil for evil, or insult for insult; but instead blessing, knowing that you were called to this, that you may inherit a blessing.
Step 2 – Praise God:
That He is great and wonderful, and is able to hear our prayer and come to our help.
Step 3 – Offer Him Thanks:
Because He is a God of peace and all things will be at peace under his reign.
Because He does not cause conflicts between His people, but instead makes peace between them.
Step 4 – Ask God:
To help you pursue peace and not divisiveness.
To help you to be a person who builds others up and not tear them down.
To fill your heart with love and tenderness for your neighbors.
To help you to be a courteous person with your actions and words.
To help you not to repay evil with evil, or insult with insult, but to bless all those who persecute you or want to do you harm.
This article is a part of our Prayer Series. They may enrich your prayer life and help you pray when you can’t find words. Browse the series: