10 Prayers For Work Problems And Toxic Workplaces
Last Updated: 27 February 2021
The Bible tells us that in this world we will have troubles. And, that we need to be brave because Jesus has already won it all for us.
We serve a mighty God who can turn things around and make everything right. He is able to solve the problems that cause you unnecessary stress. He is able to protect you from the difficulties of life and guide you through them. He is able to take you into His hand and keep you from the traps of those who want to harm you at work.
You only need to ask for help, believe in Him and wait for Him. He will answer.
Here’s our collection of prayers for work problems and toxic workplaces. Let them guide you in asking for guidance from God so you can figure out and solve your problems at work.
Chapter 1
Prayers for Peace at Work

1st Prayer for Peace at Work
Awesome God,
I come before your throne of grace and I give your name all the glory. For you alone deserve my attention, my praise and my worship. Your people are blessed, for you are able to give them peace in times of trouble. I ask you now to grant me your abundant peace and let it flow and spread all over my workplace. Make me a vessel filled with peace, and so that my presence may cause any toxic situation to disappear. Through Jesus, I pray. Amen.
2nd Prayer for Peace at Work
Oh God of Peace,
You said in your holy Bible that we will have tribulation in this world, but you also say that through faith, patience, and endurance, we will overcome. I ask you for your peace, so that I may have joy in my heart and mind. Do not let my problems at work get to me. Do not let my problems at work bring me down. Help me confront all my life’s problems with peace of mind, knowing that everything will work out for the best in the end. Trusting you to answer, I pray. Amen.
Chapter 2
Prayers for Stressful Situations

Prayer for Stressful Situations
Good Lord,
I humbly enter your holy dwelling place with respect and thanksgiving. The glory, and power, and honor belong to you. I recognize that only You are the God that can solve our problems. Mindful of the fact that you are a powerful God, I am asking you now to give me the strength and courage to deal with every stressful situation at work. Show me how to remain calm, take time to recharge, and then solve the issues with grace and clarity. Amen.
Prayer for Work Stress
Beloved God,
I now come before you in a humble spirit and I put all of my worries and my burdens on you. Remove this stress that is ravaging my soul. Remove this anxiety that is overwhelming my heart. Remove this heavy feeling in my heart. Lord, take this burden off my shoulders. Remove this worry from my heart. Let your perfect peace fall down upon me, and let me feel the serenity that I so desperately need. Let your perfect peace be with me in spirit so that I may find the courage to go through this difficult time. This I pray through Your Son Jesus. Amen.
Chapter 3
Prayers for Toxic Workplaces

Prayer for Difficult co-workers
My Holy Father,
I come to you now and approach your Presence with praise and worship. I bless you and exalt you, Oh Holy and Powerful God. Father, in your hands I put all my co-workers that are not easy to get along with, and all of those who are contributing to our toxic work-environment.
Firstly, I ask you to give me your excellent strength to deal with their behaviors and become an example of grace and civility. Secondly, I ask you to open the eyes of my co-workers, make them recognize their bad behaviors, and cause them to put in effort to change for the better. Lastly, I ask you to shower our entire workplace with your blessing, and thus turn every negative relationship into positive and productive ones. In the name of Jesus, I pray. Amen.
Prayer of Protection against Enemies at Work
Wonderful God,
You are the protector of your people, and you have come in our defense. You are the shield in the day of attack. The shelter in the storm. The stronghold in the time of trouble.
I now turn to You to ask for Your divine protection from bad people in my workplace. Protect me from any colleague with whom I have a disagreement. Help me to not have any enemies on my shift that would take advantage of me while I am working. Protect me from those who would harm me in any way. Be my shield and my warrior and defeat all those who wish to do me harm.
Protect me from all evil plans that are plotted against me. Save me from anything they might have in mind to bring me down God. Give me your peace and tranquility, and turn any toxic situation around so that it works to my advantage. I place all of my problems and my enemies in your hands, and I commit them to you. Into your hands, I commend my whole being. Amen.
Chapter 4
Prayers for Dealing with a Difficult Boss

Prayer for Difficult Employers
Heavenly Father,
You help those who seek your face. Therefore, I rejoice in the fact that you allow us to find you. I come to you now in all humility and asking for your strength to deal with the strained relationship I have with my boss. Help me do my job to the best of my ability, so I can deliver high quality work and become an example of excellence. Change my boss’ heart, and let him/her recognize his/her own shortcomings. Help us understand each other better so we can address and solve our problems. Rise up, Oh Lord and answer my prayer. Amen.
Blessings Prayer for Employer
Everlasting God,
I now come before your throne to pray that you’ll bless my employer with your wisdom and your strength. Help him in his/her endeavors and help him/her to prosper in everything he/she does. Help me to have a good working relationship with my boss so that I can gain his respect and hopefully, his/her favor. In the name of Christ, I pray. Amen.
Chapter 5
Prayers for Unfair Treatments at Work

Prayer 1
Marvelous God,
You sit on your throne and you rule from the Heavens. No problem is too big for you and no human situation or condition is unknown to you. You are the Almighty and all-powerful God who has seen me through some of my toughest moments. I ask you to end this unfair treatment that is going on at my job. [Give God an account of the situation]. Turn any bad situation around and bring justice to those that have committed a wrong. In Christ’s name, I pray. Amen.
Prayer 2
Precious Lord,
The Bible says that all things work together for good for those who love you. I stand on this word today and ask that you do something about the injustice that is occurring at work. [Tell God what is happening now or describe your situation]. Change this situation right now, and extend your righteous and just hand to correct the wrong. Cause any bad situations that I’m experiencing to turn around for the better. I know that you will hear me, and that you will help me to rise above this challenge. Amen.
Chapter 6
How to Make Your Own Prayers for Work Problems

You can always make your own prayers for work problems. After all, prayer is talking to God just as you would with a friend. A good starting point when making your own prayer is to use the Scripture. Here’s a short guide on how to do that.
Step 1 – Reflect on the following Bible Verses:
John 16:33
I have told you these things, that in me you may have peace. In the world you have trouble; but cheer up! I have overcome the world.
Hebrews 12:14
Make every effort to live in peace with everyone and to be holy; without holiness no one will see the Lord.
Isaiah 54:17
No weapon that is formed against you will prevail; and you will condemn every tongue that rises against you in judgment.
Isaiah 41:10
Don’t you be afraid, for I am with you. Don’t be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you. Yes, I will help you. Yes, I will uphold you with the right hand of my righteousness.
Step 2 – Praise God:
Because he is a father who hears the cries of his children and responds to our prayers. For he is a father who knows everything, and it is he who hears us when we call to him for help. Nothing we do evade his notice, and he watches us all.
Step 3 – Offer Him Thanks:
That he watches over your life and that he is able to protect you from all harm and difficulty that arises in your life.
Step 4 – Ask God:
To give you the peace that surpasses all understanding.
To help you live in peace with everyone.
To totally obliterate and destroy all the weapons made against you.
To help you settle any disputes between you and your opponents.
To condemn any tongue that rises against you.
To condemn any evil-doers who slander you.
To strengthen you and give you courage to fight, and to overcome.
This article is a part of our Prayer Series. They may enrich your prayer life and help you pray when you can’t find words. Browse the series: