11 Prayers For Peace Of Mind And Heart
Last Updated: 24 June 2020
In the Book of Judges, chapter 6, Gideon called God: Jehovah-Shalom, which means The Lord is Peace. And that is indeed true.
We serve a God that can bring peace to a restless heart, an anxious mind, a fearful soul and a chaotic life. God is able to restore your peace in the midst of your problem. He is able to lead you to calm waters in the midst of your storm. You only need to ask, believe and wait on Him.
Here’s our collection of prayers for peace of mind and heart. They will guide you for when you need to pray for peace in your life and receive the comfort of God.
General Prayers for Peace of Mind

Prayer 1
Heavenly Father, I humbly come before you today. I come to lay before your feet my stressful (life, job, family, situation).
This stress is affecting my body, my thoughts and my feelings. I feel restless, overwhelmed and I lack focus.
Your Son, Jesus said: Ask and it shall be given to you. Therefore, Lord, I pray today for your peace in my life. Let your perfect peace fill my soul. Bring me into your loving presence and let your tender mercy comfort me. Cause my heart to rest and not be anxious. Cause my mind to relax and not be stressed. Allow my sleep to be sweet and restorative, so that I can wake up everyday refreshed and filled with joy to be at my best every day of my life.
Lord, thank you for making this happen. I now believe in my heart that I AM at peace and that every single trace of stress is erased from my body.
In the mighty name of Jesus I pray and believe, Amen!
Prayer 2
Holy Father, Here I am, once again before your throne.
Thank you for the privilege of addressing you and asking you for your divine intervention.
Lord, your word tells us: to NOT be anxious about anything. But, at this very moment, my mind is overwhelmed and my heart is restless. I’m anxious and scarred about my (situation/life/job/future/etc.). My life’s journey seems too heavy to bear. But, I don’t want to fall into despair and live with fear, doubt and worry for tomorrow.
Lord, please rescue me from this abyss. Cover me with your sweet Presence. Fill my inner beings with your living waters. Give me your peace, Lord. The peace that surpasses all understanding. The peace that keeps me calm through hard times. The peace to calm my heart when I go through the storms of life. The peace that stays with me in turbulent waters.
I pray for a healthy mind and that your perfect peace be developed in my life. I now believe and trust that You are faithful to cause these things to happen in my life.
In the Name of Jesus, I pray, Amen!
Prayer 3
God Almighty of Heaven & Earth
Lord of Kingdoms and Nations
Jehovah-Shalom, The Lord of Peace
I come before your throne today to pray for your peace in my life.
Arise, Oh Lord and strike down the things hindering my mind. Destroy my anxiety, intrusive worries, fears, feelings of panic and terror.
Lord, I pray that peace and serenity will enter my heart. Help me become a man/woman who enjoys life more instead of worrying all the time. I ask you to open the floodgates of Heaven and let your gentle rain of peace fall upon me.
Thank you Lord for your hands that are still at work in my life. Thank you for being the one who is controlling my life. I thank you, I trust you.
In the name that is above all. The Name of Jesus. Amen!
Scripture Prayers for Inner Peace

Psalm 46:10 Prayer
Glorious God,
You direct in the Scripture to be still, recognize and accept that you are God. I choose to abide by your will and this is why, I come before you. Reveal to me through your Holy Spirit how to quiet the thoughts of anxiety and desperation in my mind. Help me to stop worrying so much and start enjoying life more. Through Christ my helper and redeemer, I pray. Amen.
Matthew 11:28-30 Prayer
Beloved Father,
This Bible verse calls us to come to you every time our burden become so heavy that we can’t hold it ourselves any more. All my being desires to abide by this Word, and therefore, I come before you. One can easily allow anxiety and life worries to take away our peace of mind. Father, in this very moment, I give you my yoke, for it is heavy. Take it on you and please give me rest. Amen.
1 Peter 5:6-7 Prayer
Magnificent God,
You say in 1 Peter 5:6-7 to humble ourselves and cast all our worries on you. I humbly come before you today and I cast all my problems on you. I call to you for amazing peace in my heart and my mind. Let nothing hinder me spiritually, mentally or physically, so that I may serve you well in this life. Father, please, do not fail to answer my prayer. I trust in you. Amen.
Psalm 55:22 Prayer
Divine Lord,
Your Perfect Scripture directs us to give you our worries and you will take care of them. You see my suffering, and you know what I’m going through right now. Oh, Holy God, please take all my burdens and carry them for me. Do not allow me to slip or fall, so give me the grace to beat all the challenges in my life. All this, I ask in Jesus name. Amen.
Psalm 62:5-7 Prayer
Oh God Almighty,
I thank you, as you are my Rock, my rescuer, and my defense. In only you, I can find rest. And in only you, my hope is vested. Thank you, because my protection and my success come from you. You have the power to hide me so that no enemy can reach me. I thank you for that and rejoice in you, my God and Father. Amen
John 16:33 Prayer
Dear Jesus,
You told us many years ago already to watch out, because many trials and sorrows await us. But, you also told us to be brave and rejoice as you defeated all these things already. You actually left a blueprint on life for us. And I thank you for that. Please, give me your peace and show me how to defeat my problems and overcome this world just as you did it. Amen.
Affirmation Prayers for a Calm Mind

Affirmation Prayers for a Calm Mind
God is Good. He is my Helper. I rejoice, because all my anxiety is gone.
I am fortunate for knowing God. He will enable me to escape all my worries and concerns.
I am delighted by the power of God. By His might and incomparable power, He will do something, so I may win. Free at last from worries and anxious feelings. Yes, Amen.
I will be presented with a new and wonderful path in life. I declare that peace of mind is mine.
The peace of God which surpasses all understanding is an amazing remedy. My body, mind and soul crave to God’s peace. I believe that something new and fresh is afoot.
I truly feel that God is in the position to calm my thoughts and help me find perfect peace of mind. Yes, He is able, Amen.
I am blessed for being a child of God. He will clear the way, so I can break free from the thoughts that are limiting my life.
Something real is about to happen in my life. From this moment on anxiety, worry, stress and fear will not keep me in bondage.
Great and Excellent is the power of God. He will allow me to overcome all my fears through His Holy Spirit. I am free. Yes, I declare that.
I AM Prayers for Peace of Mind
I am calm and recognizing that He is God.
I am finding rest for my soul.
I am giving God all my burdens.
I am humble in heart and spirit, just like Jesus.
I am putting away all pride.
I am anchored in God and His Word.
I am secured under God’s wings.
I am standing firm, whatever my circumstances.
I am safe, whatever is coming my way.
I am patiently waiting on God’s timing.
I am finding my strength in Jesus who is the rock of my salvation.
I am finding my shelter in the Holy Spirit who guards my thoughts.
I am finding my hiding place in God, my faithful Father.
I am standing on the rock of my protection.
I am happy, because I will overcome, just like Jesus did.
I am overcoming every present obstacle in my life.
This article is a part of our Prayer Series. They may enrich your prayer life and help you pray when you can’t find words. Browse the series: