11 Short Prayers For Courage And Determination
Last Updated: 20 March 2021
It is very easy to say: “Fear not and be courageous”. But, when you are going through a fervent storm or have to face the trials of life, it is not easy to remain calm, and take courage. Navigating the waves of life and never stop worrying or having doubts can be very difficult.
In spite of this, God’s Word tells us over and over again to be strong and not to be afraid. Scripture also points out that the doors to God’s throne of grace are wide open. It is then up to us to go to the Father and ask for help. And He, in His great love and mercy, will open the windows of heaven and bless us with a spirit of power and courage.
This is a list of prayers for courage and determination. Use these prayers as a guide to ask God for strength and grit to face whatever comes your way. May you find such a strength in the Lord that you become a fearless and mighty warrior.
Chapter 1
General Prayers for Courage and Determination

Prayer to Become Strong and Courageous
My Father, I come before you today and I thank you for who you are, and for everything you can do in the lives of your children. I ask you to make me a strong person who can withstand all the setbacks that life throws at me. Please make me a person with courage to face life, to face my problems, to face my enemies, to face all kinds of trials. Give me a spirit of determination to fight and never stop trying until I win. Thank you for listening to me God. And in the name of Jesus I pray. Amen.
Lord of a thousand battles, You, who are God mighty in battle, you who know how to give your children absolute victory, I ask you to give me:
A strong heart that is not easily wounded.
A wise and intelligent mind that can reason deeply and discern evil.
A tongue that is not afraid to speak the truth.
Feet determined to walk in the path of light.
Eyes hungry for your Holy Word.
And a life that reflects the courage and perseverance of your son Jesus.
Prayer to be Someone with Determination
God of the wonders of life, Thank you for this opportunity I have to come into your presence and surrender my heart and my burdens before you. My prayer today is that I want to be a more determined person in life. One who shows firmness and has a strong character. I want to be someone that when I set my mind to do something, no one and nothing in this world can stop me. I need to be, my God, someone who is not afraid to face challenges and overcome them all. Please give me your divine power to become someone who lives a life of purpose and intention. In Jesus’ mighty name, I pray. Amen.
O Lord of the Universe, Here I am once again in your presence. And this time I want to ask you to help me develop habits that are likely to change me into a more determined, confident and focused person.
I want to learn to ignore the things I can’t control.
I want to stop criticizing and complaining constantly.
I want to learn to delay instant gratification with self-control and self-awareness.
I want to develop the ability to fight negative thoughts with positive ones.
Yes, I believe you are able to help me, and for that I pray in Jesus name. Amen.
Chapter 2
Prayers for Courage to Do the Right Things

Prayer for Courage to Do the Right Thing
Dear Father, You know very well that sometimes I have a tendency to do the things that are easy, because they seem to be safe and more convenient. But these things are not always the most correct course of action. I earnestly ask You to give me strength to pursue that which is just and right in life and not what is easy or popular. Help me to do the right thing without expecting any kind of gratitude or reward. Even if others mock or criticize me, I want to always take the actions that are gracious and kind. May my deeds, Lord, match your righteousness and the truth of your Holy Word. Amen.
Prayer for Courage to Speak the Truth
God of glory, It is bad for us to lie. Falsehood diminishes trust between us and can cause irreparable damage. Therefore, I ask you to give me a loving heart that makes my tongue speak only the truth and nothing but the truth. No matter what circumstance I find myself in, give me the courage to speak the truth without fear of retribution. Make me someone with high morals, displaying honesty, transparency and trustworthiness. Through Jesus, I ask these things, Amen.
Prayer to Speak Up When It Matters
God high in the heavens, I ask you to give me strength and courage to speak freely whenever that is necessary for me to do so. If I see something that is morally questionable, help me to speak up against it. If someone is offending me or trying to walk all over me, give me the ability to stand up for myself. If I have an opinion or want to say something in a conversation, encourage me not to be afraid to talk about it. Grant me also the courage to stand up for all those who cannot speak up for themselves or cannot assert their rights or their boundaries. God, give me the heart of a wild lion who fears no one and nothing, but who fears only his Creator, which is you. Amen.
Prayer for Courage to Confront Someone
Mighty Lord, Thank you for giving me this opportunity to come to you. I pray that you give me the courage to confront someone, because I want to resolve this problem once and for all. Grant me the strength to speak freely without being afraid. Give me also wisdom and the right words at the right time. Let what I have to say strike the right chord. And if it does not, make me strong enough to accept what I cannot change and embrace your will. In Jesus’ mighty name, I pray, Amen.
Chapter 3
Prayers to Overcome Fear and Obstacles

Prayer for Inner Peace when Anxious
O God of Eternal Peace, You said in your word that in this world we will suffer, but that we take courage because you overcame the world. You further said not to be anxious nor afraid, for your peace will be with us in all circumstances. Father, today I stand upon this promise of yours and pray that you would grant me your inner peace; in my mind, in my heart and in my whole body. Breathe your Holy Spirit of peace over me and let my fear and worry disappear right now. Let me feel your presence and experience your peace that is beyond human understanding. Allow me to feel safe and secure regardless of my situation. May I realize that all is well with my soul. May your perfect peace be my desire and your peace I pray for. Amen.
Prayer to Calm Feelings of Fear
Loving Father, Today I bring all these emotions of fear and anxiety before your throne of grace. Every time my heart starts beating too fast, lay your hand on it and calm it. When I begin to sweat chillingly, give me your heavenly warmth. When my muscles are tense and I become motionless, let me feel that you are embracing me with your love. In the days when my stomach churns and I don’t feel like eating, feed me with your Divine Word. When I struggle to concentrate because the problems are too many, clear my mind and remove my doubts. Whenever I feel dizzy, weak, confused and fatigued, fill me with the fire of your Holy Spirit and restore and revive my whole being. Amen.
Affirmation Prayer against Fear
This is a prayer you can recite silently to yourself or aloud, every time you feel afraid or if you are facing a tough challenge and don’t know how to move forward.
Jesus is the Prince of Peace. He will give me His peace.
God is more than able to grant me His peace. Yes, I trust today that I will receive his peace.
I accept God’s peace in my mind, in my heart and in my entire life.
Anxiety and fear have no power over me and will not rule my life.
I am free from fear, anxiety as well as all my doubts.
In fields of green pastures, I take my rest.
I have renewed strength to reach all my goals.
Even though I pass through the darkest valley, I will not fear.
The Lord of hosts is with me. His presence and His Holy Spirit are with me.
I believe all this, Amen and Amen.
Chapter 4
How to Make Your Own Prayer for Courage and Determination

We all have the ability to craft our own prayers. In this section, we are going to show you how you too can create your own prayer by using the Holy Scriptures. Follow these 4 easy steps:
Step 1 – Reflect on:
Joshua 1:9
Haven’t I commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Don’t be afraid. Don’t be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.
Deuteronomy 31:6
Be strong and courageous. Don’t be afraid or scared of them; for the Lord your God himself is who goes with you. He will not fail you nor forsake you.
2 Timothy 1:7
For God didn’t give us a spirit of fear, but of power, love, and self-control.
John 16:33
I have told you these things, that in me you may have peace. In the world you have trouble; but cheer up! I have overcome the world.
John 14:27
Peace I leave with you. My peace I give to you; not as the world gives, I give to you. Don’t let your heart be troubled, neither let it be fearful.
Step 2 – Praise God:
That He is the Lord of hosts and that He has never lost a battle.
That He has the power to help His children whenever He wants and to the extent He desires.
Step 3 – Offer Him Thanks:
That He promised to be with you all the days of your life.
That He promised to give you His divine peace.
That He will never fail you and abandon you.
That we can also overcome the world, because Jesus Christ is our example.
Step 4 – Ask God:
To make you a strong-spirited person, full of courage and self-confidence.
To remove all your fears and anxieties.
To help you to be fearless of what may happen tomorrow.
To help you become strong, even if others or the whole world around you is shaking.
To let His peace be in your mind and heart.
To grant you a spirit of strength, love and self-control.
To give you perseverance and determination to move forward no matter what.
To empower you to walk through life with both determination and purpose.
This article is a part of our Prayer Series. They may enrich your prayer life and help you pray when you can’t find words. Browse the series: