100+ Personal Relationship With God Quotes
Last Updated: 6 March 2021
If there’s one thing that’s always been true, it’s that a personal relationship with God is a requirement in order for us to be saved. This is what the Bible tells us.
In this article we have compiled a list of personal relationship with god quotes. They are meant to inspire you to do what Mary did: instead of worrying and being constantly busy with the cares of life, take a seat at the Lord’s feet and listen to what He has to say.
To put it another way: may these quotes encourage you to strengthen your personal relationship with God, and help you stay connected to Him.

A child of God must have a good relationship with his God in every waking moment, regardless of the situation.
If you are serious about your relationship with God, you must begin to make sacrifices.
A relationship with God can make you better in every aspect of life: mentally, physically and especially spiritually.
Devotion is the remedy for a lukewarm Christian.

If you want God to forgive you for your past mistakes, then you must stop making those mistakes in the present and move on to a life without mistakes in the future.
He who finds God in his heart is always at rest.
There are three benefits of being close to God: humility, happiness and holiness.
If you want to better yourself, you have to be in the right place, in the right frame of mind, and in the right relationship with God.

The hours you spend reading the Bible are often the most fruitful hours you can spend if you want to grow spiritually.
Knowing that God will never leave you or forsake you gives you the confidence you need to deal with any situation.
The closer you get to God, the more you have to give up.
If your relationship with God costs you nothing, then perhaps it is not worth having that relationship.

Just as God’s love for you is personal, your love for Christ must be personal.
None of us has a righteousness that pleases God, and yet He allows us to have a personal relationship with Him.
You must keep God first; everything else is meaningless without Him.
When you realize that God is the only thing of real value in your life, you will stop doing things that diminish your value in His eyes.

Even if you don’t have money or fame, if you have peace of mind and a relationship with God, you will most likely have a better life than someone else who has these things.
God loves you no matter what. He forgives your past and restores your future.
Real love is a choice. Real love is sacrifice. You cannot truly love someone unless you give up something you want for them. That is the definition of true love.
If you want to experience the highest form of love, seek the kingdom of God.

If you want to influence others to live the way of Christ, you must make a daily personal commitment to God and model His teachings in your life for others.
You cannot be a beacon of light if you do not draw strength from the Creator of light.
Do not judge people by what they drive, what they wear, what church they go to, or who they hang out with. They may have a closer relationship with God than you do.
The Christian life is not about what one sees on the outside, but what happens in the heart of a person.

God is not going to try to convince you that He is worth committing to or loving…again. He has already done that for us when He gave us Jesus to die on the cross in our place.
There is no denying it. God loved us yesterday, loves us today and will continue to love us in the afterlife.
God wants you to be happy and can give you the means to be happy if you have a relationship with Him.
How much does a man love God? None of us loves God as much as He loves us, some of us don’t even love Him.

When you are constantly connected to God, everything else falls into place.
Tell me how much time you have spent in prayer and I can tell you how close you are to God.
I believe that God knows what is best for me, so I have chosen to lean on Him and trust Him.
God loves everyone so much that He allows everyone to be saved through faith in Jesus Christ.

Everything you think you have is nothing compared to the reality of God.
If you want to be a beacon of hope for those around you, you must make your relationship with God a priority.
There are always things in your life that you can influence, but ultimately everything that happens is part of God’s plan.
Daily devotion is good, but have a heart that is in agreement with God’s Word.

Things may not go your way, but God has a reason and ultimate control over everything.
Sometimes you do not need to do anything at all in the presence of God. It is enough just to sit and be still.
If you are serious about the spiritual life, sitting quietly at the feet of Jesus in meditation is more important than any other kind of service you can do for Him.
The more you pray, the stronger your relationship with God will be.

Without God, life would not be complete. But with Him, life is worth it.
Real and pure love can only be found in God.
While you were still a sinner, Christ died for you.
If you want to have a meaningful relationship with God, you must keep His commandments.

Dedication is a condition for receiving personal revelation. Without revelation, you cannot really progress in your life, because without revelation you cannot know God’s will.
Everything that is under God’s control will ultimately lead to His glory and what is ultimately best for you.
The more you learn about God, the more you will want to know.
Even if you have made mistakes in the past, if you turn to God again, He can bless you with His grace.

Spend much time in God’s presence, for in that time your relationship with God is strengthened.
To love Jesus means to obey everything He commands.
If you do not live a pure life, how can you expect to have a meaningful relationship with your God?
If you really want to find love, you need look no further than the source of all love.

If you want a happier life, spend time with God. He is the giver of all good things and He can make you happy only if you let Him.
We must die to ourselves to live for God.
If you stay connected to Jesus, you will experience the joy that only He can give you, even on your worst days.
Your relationship with God should be an inspiration to others.

When you fall in love with Jesus, you cannot help but smile, even in the most difficult situations.
If you want to love God, you must learn to love your neighbor.
God cares for His children even when they do not realize or acknowledge it.
Loving God must be the most important thing in your life; you must love God above all else.

If Jesus is in your heart, no matter what comes your way, you will always have His strength to help you through it.
If you want to build a good relationship with God, you must spend time with Him.
Nothing can be stolen from me, because everything I have belongs to God.
Just as your fingerprint is unique, so is your relationship with God. Your relationship with Him is based on your own will and choice.

Only when you give everything to God can you have peace in your soul.
We have so much potential to do great things with our lives, but most of us lack a deep connection with God, and that is what would make our potential unlimited.
Whatever you are going through, if you focus on God and keep your attention on Him, you will come out of it, for He is able to restore all things.
If you want to enjoy the pleasures of heaven, you have to have a relationship with God.

If you want to be part of God’s kingdom, you must do what He asks of you.
Living for God can be a challenge. It requires sacrifice, dedication, perseverance and hard work.
The more we experience God’s presence and His loving kindness, the more we radiate that love.
If you do not have an intimate relationship with Jesus Christ, then all the prayer in the world will not save you.

You must have a good relationship with God if you want to have a meaningful relationship with others.
God is knocking at the door of your life.
Everyone can have a relationship with God. But, the kind of relationship we have depends on the interaction we have with Him.
It is either Jesus or idols. You cannot have it both ways.

You do not know what is in someone’s heart, so you have no right to judge them.
If your relationship with God is good, then you will have no problem dealing with other people.
When you communicate with God, you feel at home in your heart.
Jesus Christ is a person, not just a religion. Seek a personal relationship with Him.

Spend more time and effort on your relationship with God than on your relationship with other people.
We really need God, not only to be saved, but also to be equipped with the strength and skills to live a good and productive life.
Love God as if your life depends on it. Because it really does.
If you love God’s word, you will prove it with your deeds.

If you want to see God’s favor and blessings, you must start praising and glorifying Him daily.
To be a true Christian, you must be committed to a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.
You should never be ashamed of your relationship with God, because He is the only one who can give you strength in the face of adversity.
If your first priority is your relationship with God, everything else will take care of itself.

Don’t jump to conclusions about people based on what they do or how you feel about their relationship with God.
God’s love and mercy is available to you when you need it. For when you are at your lowest point, that is when God calls you most to serve Him.
God loves all people, whatever they have done. He wants a relationship with you no matter what you have done.
Loving God with all your heart, soul, mind and strength, and your neighbor as yourself, is the most fundamental form of love.

If we want to achieve God’s love, we must show love to everyone as God does.
Keep a close relationship with the Lord, who is always watching over you. Always make sure that your actions are inspired by the Lord and not just by your own desires.
Think about what you can do to help the Lord’s work, because if that work is progressing, so will you.
God comes first, and everything else is secondary.