100+ Powerful Joel Osteen Quotes For Strength, Hope And Courage
Last Updated: 12 October 2019
We gather here a collection of some of the most inspirational Joel Osteen Quotes that will give you a fresh and uplifting perspective.
We know . . . life can be tough sometimes.
But when you put your trust in our Almighty God, He will move the mountains, calm the troubled waters and turn the tables in your favor.
May these Joel Osteen Quotes bring you peace, comfort and strength.
Inspirational Joel Osteen Quotes

Dwell on what God says about you. You were created to be secure, confident, talented, healthy, happy, successful. Rise up and become who God made you to be.
The Most High God is ruling in your favor. He’s going to rescue you from deep waters; He’s going to deliver you from powerful enemies.
You’re not like everyone else. The Most High God has not only handpicked you, He not only chose you, but He set you apart. He made you uncommon.
God is about to overrule some things in your life, the injustice, the unfair situations. That’s not your destiny. He has a life of victory for you.
There is favor on your life that will cause you to prosper even in a desert. You will flourish even in famine. You don’t have to change jobs, change positions, change neighborhoods. God will cause you to succeed in the middle of the trouble.
Don’t take for granted what God has done. Keep it on the forefront of your mind. You’re not just lucky. His hand is on your life.
Whatever God has put in your heart, declare that it will come to pass. You’ve got to speak favor into your future.
Don’t stay focused on the burden and miss the blessing. God has given you the grace to be where you are right now.
God has you in the palm of His hand. He sees what’s happening; He hasn’t brought you this far to leave you. He’s about to do something unusual, something bigger than you’ve imagined.
It may take longer than you thought but that’s okay, God’s timing is the right time. It may not happen the way you had planned, but God’s ways are not our ways. He knows what’s best.
It’s not luck, it’s favor. It’s God shining down on you making things happen that you couldn’t make happen.
God has a purpose for you to fulfill, an assignment for you to accomplish. He’s put the right gifts and talents on the inside.
Just when you thought it would never work out, God is going to surprise you. He’s going to bring you a great harvest, something that you never imagined.
When you’re sick, God calls you healthy. When the odds are against you, God calls you successful. God doesn’t call you what you are, He calls you what you can become.
Keep doing the right. God is building character in you, and you are passing that test. Remember, the greater the struggle, the greater the reward.
Don’t be frustrated because it’s unfair. God is keeping the records. You’re not doing it just for them; you’re doing it unto God. God knows how to make it up to you.
You haven’t seen anything yet. What God has in store this due season year is going to be bigger, better and more rewarding than anything you’ve seen in the past.
God has put a promise in your heart. Start praying again. Start expecting again.
God not only forgives, He restores. He makes you whole. He puts you back on the path toward your purpose.
You may feel like you’re surrounded by an army, but the truth is you’re surrounded by God’s favor.
You’re not going to understand everything but God has a purpose. He knows how to bring good out of it. Keep moving forward.
God is looking for you. He’ll keep pursuing you, keep calling you, keep nudging you. He loves you too much to leave you alone. He knows who you are. He breathed His life into you.
Joel Osteen Quotes on Life

What you’re always talking about, you’re inviting into your life. Don’t invite defeat; don’t invite lack. If you’re struggling with an addiction, don’t say, “I’ll never break this bad habit, I’ve had it too long.” You need to call in freedom. Call in wholeness.
Stay amazed at what God has done in your life. Go back over the times He’s made a way, where He protected you and brought you out of trouble.
Your job is not your source; God is your source. He’s not limited by your salary, by your training, by your connections. He has ways to bless you that you’ve never thought of.
Accept that you can’t control everything. The only thing you can control one hundred percent of the time is yourself.
The reason it’s called the past is because it’s done; it’s over; it’s history. Now do your part and let it go.
Everything that happens is a part of God’s plan. Don’t get bitter. Don’t hold a grudge. Leave it in God’s hands.
Don’t be frustrated because things aren’t happening as fast as you would like. Not every season is a growing season.
Sometimes you need to thank God for what didn’t happen. Thank Him for the enemies He’s stopped that you knew nothing about.
Pain is a part of life. Stay in faith. Don’t put a question mark where God put a period.
No matter what you go through in life, no matter how many disappointments you suffer, your value in God’s eyes always remains the same.
You don’t have to live stressed out. God has you in the palm of His hand. He’s not going to fail you. He’s faithful to His promises.
Life is flying by. We don’t have a guarantee that we’ll be here tomorrow. Make the most of this day.
God doesn’t make any mistakes. He’s already designed your life, laid out every piece, down to the smallest detail.
The scripture says in James 1:19, “Be quick to listen and slow to speak.” If you’ll pause for a moment and let your emotions calm down, you’ll make better decisions.
Many things God asks us to do are not fair. It’s not about being fair; it’s about passing the test. If you’ll do the right thing when it’s hard, God will make it up to you.
Sometimes God will ask you to do things that you’re afraid of. You have to get out of your comfort zone. If you play it safe all your life, you’ll never reach your full potential.
In the dark times, when life feels unfair, you have to remind yourself that God is still in control. Refuse to worry. Instead, thank Him that He’s fighting your battles.
Quit worrying about how everything is going to turn out. Live one day at a time; better yet, make the most of this moment.
When you honor God, God will always honor you. You can’t give God something without Him giving you more back in return.
Life is too short to waste your valuable time with the wrong people. To reach your highest potential, you have to surround yourself with eagles, with people that push you forward, people that make you better, people that help you to soar.
Joel Osteen Quotes about Destiny

Mediocrity is not your home, good enough is not your destiny, getting by is not where you belong. You may be there now, but that is not your permanent location. Yes, we should be content, but you shouldn’t be satisfied with less than what you know God put in your heart.
Don’t let a temporary period of being uncomfortable keep you from a permanent blessing. Yes, it takes discipline. Yes, it’s uncomfortable. But your destiny is at stake.
Don’t complain about who did you wrong and how unfair it was. If it were going to keep you from your destiny, God would not have permitted it. Shake it off and get ready for new doors to open, for new opportunities.
If somebody left you, you have to realize their part in your story is over. If they walked away, then you don’t need them. If God allowed it, then that means they’re not a part of your destiny.
Your dreams may not have turned out exactly as you’d hoped, but the Bible says that God’s ways are better and higher than our ways, even when everybody else rejects you, remember, God stands before you with His arms open wide.
God doesn’t waste anything. It’s all a part of the process. The difficulties, the delays, the unfair situations, if we keep the right attitude, it’s working for our good.
You may not be able to see it, but you have favor in the storm. God is pushing back the forces of darkness. He’s not allowing that trouble to keep you from your purpose.
Making excuses will keep you from your destiny. You have to take the hand you’ve been dealt and make the most of it.
Joel Osteen Quotes about Happiness

Whether it happened twenty years ago or twenty minutes ago don’t carry negative baggage from yesterday into today.
Instead of dwelling on all the negatives—the worry, the past, the problem, the addiction—start dwelling on the greatness of our God. David said, “I don’t look to the mountains for help; I look to the God who made the mountains.”
Make this decision, “This is a new day. I’m going to live in rest. I know God is directing my steps, He’s fighting my battles, and He’ll get me to where I’m supposed to be.”
It’s easy to live uptight, frustrated, worried, but most of the things that are upsetting us, in the big picture, don’t really matter. You’re alive; you’re healthy. God has given you breath to breathe. He’s given you a family to love.
People have a right to their opinion, but you have a right to ignore it. People have a right to be rude, but you have a right to stay happy.
You only have so much emotional energy each day. Do you know how much energy it takes to hold a grudge, to be bitter, to think about how you can pay somebody back? That’s wasting valuable energy you need for your dreams, for your family, for your destiny.
You can’t control what people do, what they say, but you can control how you respond. Don’t give away your joy.
Joel Osteen Quotes on Strength

God chose you because He knew you could handle it. You have the courage, the strength, the anointing, the favor.
When people try to push you down, God will lift you up. When they try to make you look bad, He’ll cause you to shine.
It may be taking a long time, but if you’ll stay in faith, God will renew your strength and make a way where you don’t see a way.
Remember who you are. You are a child of the Most High God. That’s where your value, your worth comes from.
God has crowned you with favor. He’s armed you with strength for every battle. He wouldn’t have allowed that challenge if He wasn’t going to turn it around and use it to your advantage.
When you make up your mind that you’re going to do something, God will breathe on your efforts and give you strength that goes beyond your natural ability.
Joel Osteen on Faith and Trusting God

Every challenge God has brought you through, those victories were designed as fuel for your faith. So, when you face new challenges, you can look back and say, “God, You did it for me back then. I know You’ll do it for me now.”
Don’t be impatient for God to act. Don’t be frustrated by what’s not happening. God is working. You’re being prepared for what God has prepared for you.
God is directing your steps. Trust Him when you don’t understand. Trust Him when it feels like you’re going to the wrong way.
If you’ll be grateful where you are then God can get you to where you want to be.
God’s not trying to take something from you; He’s trying to get something better to you. If you’ll trust Him and do what you know you need to do, you’ll come into a new level of your destiny.
You may not understand it, it may not make sense, but God knows what He’s doing. Pass the test.
Don’t live worried. There is a force working for you right in the middle of the storm that is greater than any force that’s trying to stop you.
You don’t have to figure it all out. God knows what you need and He knows how to get it to you.
You don’t know what God is up to. You may feel overlooked, and nobody is giving you credit. Don’t worry. God knows how to promote you out of season.
When God brings it all together, it’s not going to be what you think. It’s going to be bigger, better, and more rewarding than you ever expected.
In difficult times, it makes a difference what you’re thinking about. Switch over to an attitude of faith.
Don’t put your hope in your circumstances or in people; they may let you down. Put your hope in the Lord.
Quit questioning God and start trusting Him!
Stop talking to God about how big your mountains are, and start talking to your mountains about how big your God is!
What God started in your life He’s going to finish. He’s not just the author; He’s the finisher.
You may be up against some big enemies. Quit worrying; quit letting it upset you. The battle is not yours; the battle is the Lord’s.
The moment you pray, the Creator of the universe goes to work. It may not happen on your timetable or the way you thought, but He is a faithful God. What He promised you, He will bring to pass.
Your circumstances may look impossible, but the God who can do the impossible is working behind the scenes arranging things in your favor, turning negative situations around.
Joel Osteen on Not Giving Up

Have a warrior mentality, not a weak mentality. You have to be more determined than the opposition. If you give up every time things don’t go your way, you don’t want it bad enough.
Every failure is preparing you. Don’t be so afraid of failure that you don’t get out of your comfort zone. You will learn more through failure than you will through success. You’ll learn more in the difficult times than you will in the good times.
Quit beating yourself up because you’re not where you thought you’d be. You’re not a finished product. God is still working on you.
Don’t give up when it’s hard, when life’s not fair. Have faith in the middle. He will bring you through it.
When you get knocked down, you have to get back up again. God didn’t bring you this far to leave you.
God knows your value; He sees your potential. You may not understand everything you are going through right now. But hold your head up high, knowing that God is in control and he has a great plan and purpose for your life.
God didn’t bring you this far to leave you. You have to get your joy back. If one dream dies, dream another dream.
You will always be the apple of God’s eye. He will never give up on you, so don’t give up on yourself.
No matter how many times you get knocked down, keep getting back up. God sees your resolve. He sees your determination. And when you do everything you can do, that’s when God will step in and do what you can’t do.
You may have had a lot of no’s, things haven’t worked out, but you need to get ready, yes is coming. God is about to open doors that would not open. He’s going to change people’s minds and cause them to be good to you.
It may not have worked out last time. That’s okay. Start believing again, get your fire back, stir your faith up. What God started in your life, He’s going to finish.
God hasn’t failed you in the past; He’s not going to fail you now. Don’t get discouraged by the process.
God is greater than any difficulty. If you’ll stay in faith, He’ll take your test and make it into a testimony.
Joel Osteen Quotes about Courage

Quit being frustrated by people who are not for you, people that make negative comments and try to discredit you. You’re not defined by what they say. They don’t control your destiny. That’s just noise. Don’t give it the time of day.
Don’t live worried and upset. Be still and know that He is God. You don’t have to be God. You don’t have to figure it out. You don’t have to come up with the solution. God is on the throne.
Keep running your race, not looking to the left or to the right. Don’t be bothered by who’s not for you, who’s not cheering you on, and who’s not celebrating you. You’ll never please everyone.
Don’t let people talk you out of what God put in your heart. God didn’t put the promise in them; He put the promise in you.
Anybody can be good to someone who’s good to them, but when you can be good to somebody who’s done you wrong, you’re exceptional.
It takes courage to be different. It takes courage to not compromise. People will try to make you feel weak because you don’t go with the majority. The truth is you’re not weak, you’re strong.
God knows every person that’s done you wrong, every injustice, every bad break. He’s going to pay you back. You’re going to come out fully compensated, blessed, vindicated, honored. People will know that God has ruled in your favor.
It doesn’t take much effort to do what everyone else is doing. A dead fish can float downstream; it takes a live one to swim upstream. It’s easy to be common. The pressure comes when you decide to be uncommon.
When you refuse to compromise and not be squeezed into society’s mold, God will give you favor and cause you to stand out above the rest.
God wants us to stand out. When people look at us, they should think there’s something different about them. They’re a cut above. They’re committed, they’re faithful, they’re excellent.
People may rule you out, they may tell you it’s not going to happen, but God has the final say. When He decides to bless you, He’s going to make something happen that you didn’t see coming.
Quit worrying about what everybody thinks. When you come to the end of life, you’re not going to stand before people and give an account of your life, you’re going to stand before God.
You don’t have to defend yourself. God said that He will defend you. He will protect your reputation.
Do the right thing when it’s hard, keep a good attitude when people are not treating you right, go the extra mile when nobody is watching.
Your value, your self-worth doesn’t come from another person, it comes from your Creator.
You don’t have to live upset and try to pay people back. You don’t have to straighten people out. Just run your race with purpose, focus, and joy. Learn to let things bounce off of you.
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