25 Short And Good Morning Prayers To Use On A Daily Basis
Last Updated: 08 November 2019
Do you need fresh energy and motivation to keep going? Do you want to start your day in Victory. Or you long to grow closer to God and improve your relationship with Him?
Prayer will do it for you!
One of the most powerful weapons of a Christian is prayer. It moves the hand of God and has the power to change the course of your life.
Praying in the morning will give you peace and the strength you need to overcome your challenges and face another day.
Yes, you will get the peace that Paul wrote about when he was a prisoner: “the peace which surpasses all understanding” – Philippians 4:7.
And the strength to endure any circumstance in accordance with Philippians 4:13: I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.
Below our wonderful collection of powerful and good morning prayers you can use daily.
Table of Contents
Gratitude Morning Prayers
Awesome God
I come before you today
With one thing to say
Thank you Abba Father
For all you’ve given to me
For my beautiful life,
my family and my friends
Thank you for the blessings
you gave that I never deserved
For the protection your hand provides
For the forgiveness you
offer day after day
Lord, you took my sin and my shame
You took sickness and heal all my pain
You took my darkness and gave me your light
Father thank you for all you’ve done in my life
And for all the blessings that I cannot see
Heavenly Father
I come before you to thank you for a new day
Thank you, Lord, for giving me life
Thank you for loving me
What would I do without you, Lord
Thank you for my home and the beautiful family you have given me
Thank you for all the things I have and for the things I don’t have
I do not worry about those things, because I know that
in due time you will provide for me
I love you, father
In the name of Jesus I pray
Morning Prayers For Strength
Holy Father in Heaven
Sometimes, my body is weak and tired
Sometimes, I have a weak will and a tendency to give up easily
Sometimes, I am so tired struggling throughout my life
You know Lord, I just can’t handle it all by myself
That’s why, I’m here asking you to strengthen my body, spirit and soul.
Strengthen me in the inner man
Through the power of the Holy Spirit indwelling
my innermost being and personality
Invigorate and strengthen my body
Strengthen my spirit that I can resist the desires of my flesh
And set a fire down in my soul that I can’t contain
God, you are my strength
I’m strong in you, Oh Lord
In the power of your might
And in the precious name Of Jesus Christ.
I am the Child of God Almighty who is filled with grace and power
And in accordance to the word of my Father
I speak strength, power and vigor in every area of my life
I now receive strength
I receive it by faith
I drink it in
The strength of God is upon me right now
My body, mind and soul are now being restored
My strength is now being renewed
I declare that God is strengthening me and that whatever
I need to do in life: I can do it
I believe that I can do all things through the lord,
my God who strengthens me
In Jesus’ name
Father, I feel like lost in a dessert land
Dry and thirsty for your love and strength
I’m burdened by the reality of life
And my many distressing problems
Here I am, Oh Lord
I’m longing for your grace and mercy
My soul hungers for your strength
A fresh and renewed strength
that only you can give
Lord, just speak a word and
energize my inner-being
Breathe life into my dry bones
Guide me through the maze of life
Fight my wars
And give me the peace
that surpasses all understanding
I need you
Because I can’t make it on my own
In the name of Jesus, I pray
Morning Prayers For Inner Peace
Lord Jesus
I come to You now and I ask You
to wash my mind with your Blood
Cleanse out all darkness and negativity
Remove all anxiety and stress from my mind
Clear away all worries, tension and panic
I believe and declare that from this moment forward
My mind is clear and
My body is relaxed
So, Be it
Father, I thank you for another day
I don’t know what this day might bring
Therefore, I put my trust in You
Fill me with your peace
The peace that surpasses all understanding
Cover me with your presence
Comfort me in my mind
Give me fresh mental and spiritual attitude
Cause me to rest and not be stressed
Let rivers of joy and happiness
fill me every moment of this day
In the Mighty Name of Jesus, I pray
Morning Prayers For Protection & Safety
Father, I come before you today
To ask You to place a hedge of protection
Around me, my family, my friends, my home
my car, my properties, my pets
my workplace, my finances
And all that You have placed me in charge over
Keep me and them all from harm
Protect us on our right and on our left
Drive away darkness, danger and negativity
Cover me under your Mighty Wings
Go before me Lord and clear my path
In the Holy Name of Jesus, I Pray
Father, I ask you to allow me
To dwell in your secret place
And to take refuge under your shadow
Cover me with your mighty wings
I believe and declare that
I’m shielded by your Power
I’m not afraid of darkness
I don’t fear the dangers in this world
A thousand people can fall at my side
Another ten thousand at my right hand
But, nothing will happen to me
Lord, command your angels to guard me
Let them lift me up and carry me safely
Show me your salvation every single day
And allow me to enjoy the victory over evil
In the Mighty Name of Jesus
I Pray, Declare and Believe
Heavenly Father
In accordance with Psalm 23
I believe that You are My Shepherd
Therefore, in Jesus’ Holy Name
I pray that You will bless and keep me
Guide me along the right direction
Comfort me with your rod and staff
In the darkest moments of my life
Prepare a table before me
in the presence of my enemies
Let them see me prosper
and enjoying life to the fullest
Fill my cup and let it overflows
And allow your mercy and goodness
to follow me every single day of my life
Morning Prayers Before Work
Oh Lord, thank you for another day to live
And once again, I’m here asking for your help
I need you Almighty God
Help me with everything that I’ve got to do today
Also with things that will come up
that I’m not even going to know about
I ask you for grace, mercy,
guidance and protection
I ask the same for my family
and all those around me
I declare that I love you Lord
with all my heart, with all my soul,
with all my mind and with all my strength.
I love my life
I love myself
I love my family
And I love people
In Jesus’ Name
Father in Heaven
I come to You now in the Name of Jesus Christ
You said in your word:
Ask and it shall be given to you
Seek and you shall find
Knock and the door will be opened
I, therefore, enter Your presence
knowing that I can trust You
Fill me with wisdom so that I will be able to do my job properly
Fill my heart with love, passion and energy
Help me to work at the best of my ability
Allow me to excel in my work and bear fruits
Enlarge my territory at work and allow me to prosper
In the Name of Jesus I pray with thanksgiving
Praying For Your Children
Father, I come to you in the beautiful name of Jesus
The name that is above all things
Oh Lord, I pray for everyone in the life of my children,
be it family, friends or teachers.
I pray that you would raise up and birth spiritual heroes for them
People that they can look up to
That have integrity with a positive energy
That are living right lives
Lord, help my children to make the right friends
Let them choose godly friends that are walking with you
Friends that are smart, sober-minded and of good behavior
Friends that will have a meaningful impact in their life
Knowing that through you Oh God
all things are possible
I pray, Amen!
Dear Lord
Today I come to you in faith
knowing that through you all things are possible
I present my children before you and I ask you to guide them
Help them make good decisions
that will have a positive impact on their future
Equip them for the plans you have in store for them
Help them understand the necessity of
making time for you in prayer
Let them hear your instructive voice
and the teaching of the wise people in their lives
Give them peace of mind and boost their confidence
while walking in this world
I pray that they would find their place in life and in society
And not wander and waste the years of their life
Help them among their friends to boldly stand up for You
being an example in words, in behavior, in love, in attitude,
in faith, and in purity
Lord, help my children to be good stewards of their abilities
And become the person you want them to be.
In the Holy name of Jesus
I pray, Amen!
Morning Prayers For Success
In the mighty name of Jesus
I pray that I will not answer to the voices of my enemies
Society will not corrupt neither my body nor my mind
My appearance will show examples of godliness
My spirit shall resist corruption
My eyes will not see indecency
My mouth shall not transgress
My hands will not do evil
And my legs shall not walk into trouble
I will not walk into adversity
because Jesus is on my side
Every misfortune will pass over
Every yoke over my life is destroyed
Every burden are now being taken away
by the power of Jesus
Any power either in the spiritual or
physical world against me shall fail
No weapon formed against me shall prosper
And every tongue that rises up in judgment will be condemned
I declare, through the authority of Jesus’ name
That my mind is filled with peace
My heart is overflowed with love
My life is full of joy and happiness
I will survive this world
I will conquer
Because all things are possible
In Jesus, Amen!
I now accept prosperity into my life
I accept abundance into my life
I accept success and well-being
I speak into existence:
Perfect health for my body
Perfect wealth for my family
and future generations
Perfect, overwhelming and
abundant love in my life
Perfect happiness and joy in my heart
Perfect clarity and peace in my mind
I speak these things in faith
I activate them now
In the mighty name of Jesus
Victory is now flowing to me
Prosperity is mine
Success is mine
I believe so
For the earth is the Lord’s my Father
and everything in it and all who live in it
Thank you, Jehovah-Jireh, my provider
Thank you for bringing
them to pass in my life
In the Name of Jesus
I AM Affirmations As Morning Prayers
One more powerful way of praying is to speak positive “I AM” affirmations and declarations over yourself or your beloved ones.
This is incredibly powerful stuff. Whatever follows the words “I AM” will eventually find you. It will definitely affect your situation and your future if you believe and keep doing it as many times as possible.
Take your time and speak these affirmations out loud in a confident voice several times. While speaking, try to visualize what you’re saying as if it’s true and real right now.
I AM Blessed
I AM Prosperous
I AM Successful
I AM Victorious
I AM Open to new possibilities
I AM Thriving
I Am Growing and advancing
I AM Able to create wealth
I AM Wealthy
I AM Debt Free
I AM Creating a life of abundance
I AM Winning
I AM Talented and Creative
I AM Living the dream
I AM A Child of the Most High God
Yes, I AM all these things
Yes, I AM, I AM
I AM Healthy
I AM Free from Sickness
I AM Free from name your disease
I AM Free from Pain
I AM Cured
I AM Healed
I AM Rejuvenated
I AM Restored
I AM Washed by the Blood of Jesus
I AM Clean
I AM Strong
I AM Stress-free
I AM Happy
I AM Enjoying Life
I AM A Child of the Most High God
Yes, I AM all these things
Yes, I AM, I AM
I AM Safe
I AM Divinely Protected
I AM Cared for by Angels
I AM Safeguarded by an Army of Angels
I AM One with God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit
I AM Resting in the shadow of the Almighty
I Am Covered under the Wings of God
I AM Protected by the Blood Of Jesus
I AM Shielded by the Presence of the Holy Ghost
I AM Always Guided and Guarded
I AM Protected from Destruction
I AM Free from Negativity
I AM Free from Harm
I AM Safe and Secure
I AM A Child of the Most High God
Yes, I AM all these things
Yes, I AM, I AM
I AM In Christ
I AM Saved by Jesus
I AM A born again Child of God
I AM Washed by the Blood of Jesus
I AM Forgiven of all my Sins
I AM Redeemed and Delivered
I AM Free from the Bondage of Sin
I AM Delivered from the Power of Darkness
I AM A New Creature in Christ
I AM Being changed into His image
I AM A Temple of the Holy Spirit
I AM Walking by the Spirit
I AM Guided by the Word of God
I AM More than a Conqueror
I AM The Light of the World
I AM The Salt of the Earth
I AM Wise, Righteous and Holy
I AM Chosen and loved by Christ
I AM A Child of the Most High God
Yes, I AM all these things
Yes, I AM, I AM
I AM Loved
I Am Worthy of love
I AM Open for Love
I AM Attractive
I AM Magnetic
I AM Irrestible
I Am Beautiful
I AM Valuable
I AM Charismatic
I AM In Love with a person who is caring, committed, loyal, trustworthy and understanding
I AM Secured with my partner
I AM Happily Married for Life
I AM A Child of the Most High God
Yes, I AM all these things
Yes, I AM, I AM
I AM Happy
I AM Happier that I’ve ever been
I AM Enjoying Life
I AM Radiating Joy
I Am Grateful for it all
I AM Stress-free
I AM Worry-free
I AM Calm and At Peace
I AM Mentally Strong
I AM The Best Version of Myself
I AM Enough
I AM Whole
I AM Bold and Brave
I AM Empowered and Well-Able
I AM Winning All Battles
I AM A Child of the Most High God
Yes, I AM all these things
Yes, I AM, I AM
Blessing Morning Prayers Images
May God’s blessings rest upon you today. May His peace be with you and His joy fill your heart.
I pray that God’s goodness and mercy shall follow you. May He carry you from glory to glory.
May the Lord direct your steps. May He rescue you and deliver you from your enemies.
I pray that God blesses you with the strength you need to get through each day.

Further Reading:
Effective Prayer Points With Bible Verses
Empowering Short Quotes About Life
Relationship Goals Quotes For Everyone
Amazing Bible Verse Tshirts To Wear
Best Jesus Shirts To Share Your Faith
Encouraging Bible Verses
Fascinating God Quotes About Love
Meaningful Jesus Quotes That Will Touch Your Heart
Amazing And Interesting Facts About Jesus Christ
Powerful and Motivational Joyce Meyer Quotes
Joel Osteen Quotes: Powerful Motivation For Everyone
I AM QUOTES: 101 Affirmations That Will Change Your Life
Powerful prayers I love the words they are empowering
I love de prayer words because it bring hope
I love the prayer it is energizing
This words of God are powerful.
I love the prayer guide and may the good Lord give you strength to write more.Stay blessed
This is strong and effective prayer. I clam it in Jesus name. Amen.
powerful prayers indeed.Thank God i located this site.
These prayers have surely Blessed me
These prayers are powerful. I am blessed
You are doing great is a wonderful side I’m bless
So encouraging & hope giving quotes
thanks a lot for the prayers.
I really enjoyed this prayers
inspiring prayers
Am inspired by the your prayers
I am blessed lord
I am bless with pray points and I know that GOD will ans my prayers 2day in Jesus name
Amen I am blessed. Thank you for these prayers. More annoiting in Jesus name
the whole prayers is certain and we hope for tomorrow
I love this prayer and may God hear all our prayers in Jesus name amen
Thank God I logged into your page and am contented that God is real.
thank God I find this website.
Prayer is key to our success
I wish that these prayers were in a witen. In Book so I can have it in my hand .But , I will take my time and write them myself. Thank you so much! GOD BLESS YOU ALL !!
Thank you for this powerful information shared. I believe it will encourage faithful believers to stay in faith. Please keep up the good works. God bless you!
I love these prayers, too powerful
Thanks for these prayers. They are energizing and powerful. I love them. I pray with them every morning. More grace in Jesus name.
Powerful prayer guide… I am richly blessed… More grace
how i wish all this prayers can come to my life and change me and wash me
Good work keep on God bless
Good prayers to start the day.it encouraging and bring hope alive more anointing joseph b j
grory to God. blessings to you the writer and us the reader’s.
Thankyou for the spirit filling prayers. The prayers are powerful and each morning I have used them as a start of the day. I have inspired my family and colleagues with your morning prayers and yes God intervenes in those who seek him.
Glory to God for stumbling on these morning prayer points. I really blessed with them and have kept them in my bossom for my daily spiritual life
Thank God I found this page.God bless you
Blesses of our God let be following you for all these beautiful prayer,that’s makes our fresh and have in touch with our God
I am all these things this portions talk about ijn Amen
Amen lm glad l found this page
I read and follow all the instruction of the LORD AMEN
so excited with the prayer points. one love my people
Wao I love these prayers our God is indeed a good God
God bless you, the writer of these prayer’s. Thank you for allowing The Lord to use you to bring sun’s home into my life. I am blessed and elated. God bless you.
I thank lord by seeing this prayers i would read them everyday because I am finding a way for success and for my family blessings
Morning prayers for strength revive my body and my spirit. God is amazing. Hallelua a!
I really loved this prayer
I love the prayers so much

God bless you
i love this prayer because it drew me closer to God.
Thank you God i have found this website.I love the prayers.
I was weak in spirit thank you i wish if l could have them in printable form
I like this prayer point.
may god bless me and the writer of this prayer point in Jesus Name Amen.
Amen.thanx for these blessing moment.
so powerful, you have really touch my life.am so greatful .the lord God shall continue to renew you
Amen thanks GOD bless you all
Thank you verymuch.
I love this prayers
Thank you Lord for your power and might over me, my child, husband, siblings, niece and nephews and our jobs in the name of Jesus.
Our heavenly Father
From heaven above
Who keeps me safe and warm
And I come before you and give thanks
To you for been in my
Life and in my heart every day and I
Thank you for loving me and I don’t
Know what would I do without you
And my Lord Jesus Christ
I love you Amen.
I love this prayer