100+ Christian Quotes On Hope And Optimism
Last Updated: 5 March 2021
I think you will agree with me if I say that: life is a struggle, a constant battle for survival. If we have no hope or if we are not optimistic, how can we possibly manage to survive in this world full of hardships and challenges. Hope is what keeps us focused on the things we must do.
This article is a collection of Christian quotes on hope and optimism.
Our sincere hope is that they will inspire you to realize that no matter what is going on in your life today, there is always hope. And with a little bit of optimism you too can achieve whatever your dreams may be.

We should never lose sight of our hope of a better future, even in the midst of our struggles to survive in this world.
When things seem hopeless, when it seems like nothing is going right, when you feel like giving up, when you feel like “I can’t get out of this,” remember that God has the ability to fix everything in the end. God can turn any situation around.
Yesterday we were slaves, tomorrow we will be free, today we belong to Christ.
Hope is like the wind; it can take you places you would not have gone without it.
God knows what we are going through. It is part of His plan. He is preparing us for something.
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Failure doesn’t define you; what you do afterwards does. Maintaining a good attitude and staying hopeful in Christ will prevent us from feeling defeated.
Only in the darkest places can the brightest light really be seen.
The problems of today make the joys of tomorrow more beautiful.
You are a masterpiece in the making. God is not finished with His work in you. You have a purpose and a mission in this world. God is still working in you to fulfil His purpose.
If you are reading this, it means you are alive. That is something to smile about.

In the moment when you hit an obstacle that you can’t get over, in that moment of desperation, that is when God steps in to provide a solution.
Without Christ, there will be no afterlife. We will all be lost in a world without purpose.
Today, all we know is history. We do not know the future, and we cannot control it. But we do know the One who controls the future.
Your story is not yet over. Better days are waiting for you. Better days are yet to come.
Life is full of difficulties and pain, but they are only temporary. We must be strong in the face of adversity and take courage from the fact that God is ultimately in control.

No endeavor can thwart the will of God.
Failure does not mean you are a failure. Christ is the one who makes the ultimate statement about a person’s worth.
Hope is a window to the future, allowing you to see what you cannot see with your own eyes.
When you have run out of possible solutions, God steps in and offers you the best solution.
Hope is like a star, you can’t see it in the sunshine of prosperity, but you can see it when it is dark and going through a tough time.

God’s ways are not our ways.
Choose to live a life of faith in God instead of giving in to fear.
When things seem impossible, remember that God does the impossible every day.
It does not matter how many battles are fought, what matters is how they are fought. Even if you are losing, you should never ever give up.
Every challenge, every trial, every hardship, every victory and every defeat has been part of your journey to get you where you are supposed to be.

Look away from your circumstances and towards the Lord who can get you out of them.
Hope is the wind beneath your wings, the sun in your shadow.
Even if it did not work last time, that does not mean that it will not work this time.
When you feel challenged, when you feel disappointed, when you feel defeated, when you are going through difficult times, remember that God is in control.
Choose to trust God’s plan, even if you don’t understand it.

We must never give up hope. We must never give up our faith.
I have hope when I am in the middle of a storm of despair – that is when hope is needed. I don’t have hope when things are going well. I need hope when hope itself is gone.
No matter how bad life seems now, it is always darkest before the dawn. Your breakthrough will come, you just need to be patient.
You cannot fulfil your potential if you are content to stay where you are.
God’s ways are perfect, even if we don’t see it that way.

At times it is hard to see the light at the end of the tunnel, but if you keep moving you will reach it.
Never stop hoping. Never stop trusting. Never stop believing.
The greater the challenge, the more honor and glory there is to be gained.
No matter how dark the times get, Christ will help you through them.
From time to time, there is a change in people’s lives that prepares them for a better life.

Jesus Christ is the master planner and director of your life.
The Lord has planned an exciting future for you that will take you to a whole new level.
Whatever comes your way in life, trust in God and all will be well. The Lord will provide a way out for all your problems.
If you trust in Jesus Christ, better days will come.
We must never lose sight of our hope for eternal life, for God has promised it to those who obey Him.

Think not of your circumstances, but of your God.
The world is indeed full of pain and hardship, but there is also beauty and goodness.
Hope keeps people going when things are bad, hope keeps a nation going when things are bad.
Faith climbs the ladder that love has built and looks out the window of hope.
When you are going through dark times in your life and don’t know what to do, remember that it will pass and everything will soon be better.

Our hope in Christ enables us to endure when times of trouble come.
No matter what happens in life, don’t lose faith and you will make it.
Do not look at your circumstances. If you look at them, you become bitter. Look to the Lord who can change them.
Keep hoping. Things will get better.
Do not be discouraged by the bad things that happen in life. Instead of looking at the past with sadness, look to the future with hope.

Hope is the ability to see opportunity in the midst of difficulty.
With a positive attitude and the right mindset, almost anything in life is possible.
There is nothing that can stop God’s plan.
It will happen when it needs to happen. Do not worry about the future.
Sometimes in difficult situations you can give up and give in to the circumstances, or you can use the situation as an opportunity to grow and improve.

Sometimes before it gets easier, it gets harder. You must remain positive because when the clouds clear, you will see the rainbow.
Hope is what keeps you going when things are at their worst.
Although the world is full of pain, even in the darkest places there is much beauty.
If you kill hope, you kill your best self.
God’s ways are often incomprehensible to us, but we still trust Him because we expect that He has a plan.

You may have many problems in life, but if you trust in God, all things are possible.
Things happen in life that you do not expect, but if you continue to believe, everything will eventually be all right.
Look at all the struggles you have faced in your life and know that there is a reason for them, and that reason is to make you stronger.
Even if you have not achieved your dreams, remember that God always has a higher purpose for your life.
Through suffering comes strength. Through struggle comes success. Through mistakes you learn. And through it all, hope.

Trust that your struggles are preparing you for the next level.
Put your hope in the Lord, He will always keep His promises.
With Christ, there is always hope. With Christ, there is no end to hope.
We must always remember that God has promised us a better world in the future.
Do not let the problems of this world take away your hope.

One of the few things that keeps us going is the hope of a brighter future with Christ.
You will always have hope as long as you have Christ in your life.
God allows you to go through these trials to train and strengthen you. Look at the victories you have already won and you will be able to overcome the challenges that await you.
The Lord will restore all things in His time.
The Lord gives you exactly what you can handle. If you can handle more, He gives it to you. If you can’t handle it, He doesn’t want you to have it.

When bad things happen and hope seems lost, when you believe that you are in Hell, remember God does not give up on you and neither should you give up on yourself.
God has a perfect plan for everything. It may not be what we want, but it is His plan for us and for us to follow.
Everything will eventually be all right, even if it takes a little longer than you would like.
Hope is a good thing, but make sure it is based on truth.
You don’t get there by giving up when times get tough, so keep your anchor firmly planted in the Lord always.

There are times when the good things in life come to an end so that better things can take their place.
Don’t put your hope in your circumstances, put your hope in the Lord, He will never let you down.
Keep your eyes on the Lord who is mysteriously working for you.
God’s ways are often beyond our understanding, but through faith and patience everything will eventually be all right.
We must never forget that one day God will reward us for all our suffering.

The way we act is a reflection of our faith. Your actions do reflect what you believe and how hopeful you are. What you do on a daily basis is a reflection of your own personal faith in God.
Do not be discouraged if your dreams do not come true, for God’s dreams for you are much greater.
Always hope in the Lord, for with Him you can do all things.
Failure is not something to be afraid of. With God’s help, we can overcome any obstacle.
Your story has only just begun and your destiny still awaits.

In many time, you cannot see the end of the storm, but you know that God is in control and will not fail.
You must be patient as things unfold. Changes take place and the final product will not be known until it is finished.
When bad things happen, you can give up and surrender to the circumstances, or you can choose to live by faith and trust that God will provide a way out.
You will not be able to achieve your goals if you hold on to the past. You have to let go of the things that are holding you back.

Have hope and hold onto your dreams. They are what keep us going and keep us motivated. Do not let the trials of life bring you down or take away your self-confidence.
You will experience a time of prosperity in your life that will open doors you did not know existed.
You can only truly discover new possibilities if you are willing to let go of the old.
When you are in a storm, all you can do is cling to God and keep yourself safe.

Choose hope. Choose faith. Choose Christ.
To hope is to keep fighting, to try is not to give up.
Look for the goodness of the Lord in everything to give you strength to get through things.
Do not worry about what is happening around you, but trust in the Lord who has everything under his control.

There is a feeling of peace that only comes with knowing that the world and all that is in it, belongs to God.
Focus too much on the world and you will become weary and discouraged. But focus on God and trust in Him.
Life is not always fair. Sometimes accidents happen and terrible things happen. But we must all remember that these are just parts of a much longer story.
In every pain I experience, my heart will find the joy of praising God.

God’s ways are oftentimes inexplicable, but that doesn’t stop us from trusting in him.
God can and will work all things for our good, in His time, not ours.
Jesus makes everything better. Without Him, we would be in a worse situation.
Do not dwell on what is wrong, but look to the Lord who can deliver you from it.

Trusting God gives peace of mind.
To hope is to risk disappointment.
The dark days are only temporary. In the end, all will be well and this will all be a distant memory.