100+ Inspirational Christian Quotes About Prayer
Last Updated: 5 March 2021
Ask and I will give you. Seek and you shall find. Knock and I will open the door. These were the words of Jesus – the son of God who stands and prays before the Father for us. He believes in prayer. He says if we pray, God will hear and is able to answer our prayers.
And this is definitely true. Many Christians attest that prayer is a vital part of the Christian life. That is why we must make use of it often.
We have listed our most inspirational Christian quotes about prayer in this article. Read them to understand the power and truth about prayer. And hopefully they will inspire you to pray more and take your prayer life to a much higher level.

Prayer is our life raft.
Prayer is like the morning sun; it warms your spirit and helps you start your day.
A child of God should never leave his room in the morning without having a good talk with his God.
Time is one of life’s most precious treasures. Never waste it with people who don’t appreciate you. God does not waste a single moment of our time when we spend it with Him.
See also: Powerful Christian Quotes That Will Change Your Life

Prayer is a powerful tool that you can use to change your life.
Always seek God’s wisdom in everything you do. In life, do not advance until you have obtained His guidance.
The Lord is always ready to answer. So, the question is not if but when.
The length of your prayers doesn’t matter as much as how much faith you have.

Is prayer your daily bread or is it just a safety net?
Prayer is a way of life for the righteous, a necessity for the wise.
Prayer is not a once in a while thing. Prayer is a way of life. Prayer is something you do even when you don’t feel like it.
Prayer without any fancy words is better than saying prayers with empty hearts.

Think of the impossible and pray for the supernatural.
When you are in the depths of despair, words can’t always do the trick, but a broken and contrite spirit will always be accepted by God.
Whenever you feel God has abandoned you or that your prayers go unanswered, take a moment to thank God for all that He has already done for you.
When you feel like you are struggling and can’t think of anything to say, start praying.

Pray even when you don’t feel like it.
Whenever you feel that you lack faith or that you are not strong enough to persevere, remember that the Holy Spirit is with you and that your prayers are not in vain.
Prayer can accomplish many things, but if it does not come from a pure heart, then it is useless.
Prayer and faith can have a direct effect on the world around you.
If you put God first in your life, you will naturally use prayer as your first defense.

If the only prayer you recited was a prayer of thanksgiving, that is sufficient.
Prayer is not superstition, but an expression of your faith in God.
You have to ask God for his help, but that help is only available if you believe you have it.
Sometimes we pray in times of weakness and need, sometimes we need to pray in times of strength and joy.
A wise person prays not for protection from danger, but for the ability to overcome that danger.

Prayer is not just asking. It also means listening to God and allowing Him to speak to your heart and soul.
Call to the Lord. He will strengthen your heart and reveal things you never knew.
Hours spent in prayer are never a waste of time for those who believe, for in those hours they receive the best of Christ.
Prayer is not something you use to influence God, but rather it is an act of worship and trust that is meant to change the way you think and act.
If you want to see a change in your life, you must be in prayer often. However, it is the quality of the prayer that makes the difference, not the length.

Don’t pray for an easy life, because you will never find it. Pray for the strength to endure all trials.
It doesn’t matter if you’re wild at heart, if you just need someone to safe guard that heart, bring it to God.
Hours spent in the presence of God are hours that are not wasted, even when you are not aware of it your thoughts are fed and strengthened.
He gives us His word that He will hear and answer our prayers, but we can only be sure that He will answer if we come to Him continually.
Prayer should be a priority in your life. Take every opportunity to pray to our God.

You must pray not only for the right things, but also for the right reasons.
There are some days that you need to stop everything and just come to God, in a sincere prayer.
When you pray, believe that what you are asking for will happen, because it will.
You should spend time in prayer so you can improve yourself and your relationship with God.
If you want to resist temptations, you must watch your actions and ask God for help.

Let us never forget that God is alive. He can be found. He is near. He is real. He hears our prayers.
It is important to begin your day with a time of meditation and reflection with your Lord.
Almost all of the time we forget to pray, but god is always near. He is always watching and listening.
If you seek God with all your heart, he will open up opportunities in your life.
Ten thousand thank you’ would not be enough for all the help and support that God has given.

God, grant me strength to change the things I can, and bear the things I cannot change
If God is not answering your prayers, you need to trust that He is doing something in your life and not worry about it.
If you want to enjoy all the blessings God has to offer, then you need to spend time with Him instead of being somewhere else.
We are all moved by the conviction that we have no choice but to pray to Jesus.
It is during difficult times that we often realize how little we have in this world and how much we have in God.

Pray when you are in need, but also when life is good.
Praying to God helps you to find inner strength and peace of mind.
Sometimes, you have to pray extra hard for something if you want it bad enough.
Prayer can accomplish so much, but it is the lack of it that can hold you back from your full potential.
Prayer is your best tool for getting through life, don’t neglect it in favor of other things.

When praying, it is more important to have your heart in the right place than any empty words.
There are always times in life when we feel like there is no way, but that is when we really need to trust the Lord.
Private prayer is essential to keeping your relationship with God.
Praying is not an event. It is a lifelong attitude.
Asking for God’s help is important, but so are asking yourself what you can do to help advance the Kingdom of God in this world.

Prayer is a gift from God, but it is up to you to accept and use this gift.
Prayer and worship will help you stay calm when trouble strikes.
If something is bothering you, then it’s a good idea to pray about it.
Prayer is more than a few words; it is a way of life. Be sure that you are living your life in a way that pleases God.
No matter what comes your way, always pray. There is no guarantee that you will survive it all, but if you have God on your side, there is always hope.

Pray, hope, and don’t worry.
When you are going through a difficult time, remember to pray. Praying to God will give you strength and make you less anxious.
Prayer is a powerful tool that can change things for the better, whether in a relationship, in your personal life, or even in world affairs.
Pray for the strength to endure the challenges of life.
Praying is important, but how you pray is just as important. The sincerity of your prayers shows that you care about your relationship with God, so make sure you are sincere.

Keep praying, keep praising and always keep believing.
Call upon God and he will answer, and he will answer in such a way that you can understand.
The meaning of prayer is not based on the quantity, but on the quality of your sentences. Don’t just say the words, but really mean them.
We need to realize that even though we cannot see how our prayers are answered, we can trust that God is always working in a mysterious way.
Prayer requires that you be in a state of being in which nothing else matters but God.

Worry will not get you anywhere, but prayer and faith in the Lord can help you at any time.
Prayer is not just about saying the right words, but is also about having a genuine heart in those words.
If you truly surrender to the Lords Will, then He will give you that which your heart desires.
If you truly believe in Jesus Christ, then worldly forces cannot keep you from getting what you pray for.
When you’re feeling desperate or like all hope is lost, pray.

Pray constantly. Pray with all your heart. Pray without getting tired.
Prayer should come from the heart and be genuine.
If you want God to answer your prayers, then you need to have faith in him, and that means not questioning and not doubting.
If you have faith in God’s words, then ask him for anything and it shall be granted to you.
There are many things in life that you need to do, but if you slow down and spend time in prayer, then God will help you get them done.

Prayer has the power to move the hand of God.
Prayer is to simply speak to God about your day. It doesn’t need to be long. It doesn’t need to be fancy. It just needs to be genuine.
If you are willing to humble yourself in front of God, then he will listen to your prayers and answer them.
Prayer isn’t something you do to God, but rather it is a relationship in which your commune with a living God.
What God has in mind I do not know, but I do know that I must lean on Him, pray for His will and trust that He will provide for my needs.

The prayers of a believer can move mountains.
Do not forget that the time that you spend with God is what makes your soul grow the most.
Prayer is very important in your life since it can calm your mind and make you want to turn to God.
Prayer does not weaken you, it makes you stronger.
God will give you the courage that you need for the tasks ahead, but you must ask Him for it.

Do not see the face of man until you have first seen the face of God.
You should spend a portion of each day relaxing and recharging your energy in prayer.
Prayer is talking to God, not in a loud outburst of words, but rather a silent conversation.
We need to pray because either way, life is uncertain and you never know when you will need a blessing from above.
Lord let me live my life the way that you want me to. Help me be a good person and help me make a difference in this world.

If you want God to help you with your problems, you must show up and ask him.
Prayer keeps you in touch with God and his will for your life.
Prayer can have a powerful calming effect on your mind.
Prayer is a powerful force. When we rely on prayer, we rely on God and He will never let us down.
Pray for the strength to make the right decisions.

You need to pray before it gets to the point where you have no other choice.
Silence during prayer is part of the conversation between God and your heart.
God hears all prayers, but only some are answered.
You cannot sit idly by and hope that you will not fall into temptation; you must watch and pray for the strength to endure these trials.
God wants prayer to be part of daily life, but most of us forget to pray because we wait until we are in trouble.

Praying for strength and courage to face life’s problems is the first step to successfully overcoming them.
Prayer is a necessary part of overcoming life’s difficulties.
Prayer isn’t something you do before a big event or when you want God’s help. Prayer is something you do consistently.
Prayer should not just be a monotone robotic response. It should involve the mind and the feelings.