100+ Short Christian Quotes About Faith
Last Updated: 6 March 2021
Faith moves mountains. You can move God’s hands with faith. It is the first thing you must have if you want to please God. Faith is the foundation of our Christian life.
Here are our most beautiful and profound Christian quotes about faith in God.
May they comfort you and help you strengthen your faith in our heavenly Father and his son Jesus.

A smile from Jesus can change your day and bring you more joy than you ever thought possible.
Religion that is not a part of your life and does not bring a change in your life is of no value at all.
If you have faith, you will be strong when everyone else is weak, you will see opportunities when others see problems, and you will thrive when everyone else is struggling to survive.
Jesus is the way, the truth and the life. If you want to be saved, you need to care about Jesus more than your religion.

Faith is not something you turn to in your last moments of despair. Faith is your first choice; the choice you make even when everything seems hopeless.
Faith sees things through God’s eyes, not yours. That is why faith is important in difficult times.
The Christian life is like climbing a steep mountain, but don’t worry, we have a guide who will take us to the top and keep us safe.
What the sun does for the day, Jesus Christ does for your life.

Things in your life that you do not understand have a reason why they happen, which may not be immediately obvious. Perhaps it is best to trust the process.
When you believe in and trust God, you know true inner peace even when the external world is chaotic.
Nothing from this world lasts forever, but what comes from God will definitely last for all eternity.
Even when it doesn’t feel like it, God is still doing His best for you. If you trust Him, He will turn things around for the better.

Don’t rely on what you have. Trust in the Lord to help you when nothing else seems to work.
Every challenge you face is a test of your faith in God. Every victory you achieve is a confirmation of your faith in God.
In difficult times, it is important to change your focus. Instead of complaining about what is happening, focus your attention on your faith in God.
Being a true Christian means having a strong faith; trusting in the Lord is always paramount, and leaning on Him is always the way of life.

Faith is a virtue and often a necessary condition for the Christian life. No matter how difficult times are, if you continue to believe, God will help you through them.
Your faith is like a fire; when it goes out, it can be revived.
Faith is believing that God will do the right thing even when it doesn’t seem possible.
Fear is an emotion that can paralyze you, but when you turn to faith, fear has no power over you.

Fix your eyes on the Lord and he will guide you through the storm.
Faith is not a feeling. It is not something we can decide to feel for ourselves. It is a decision for Christ, and as such it brings with it the responsibility to follow Him.
Sometimes we try to do too much and get too tired. If we just do the little things we can do, God will take care of the rest.
Christian faith is not something you acquire once and never use again. Your faith must be applied regularly in your life.

Sometimes in your life you may encounter something that seems strange and that you do not understand. Have faith that God has a plan and that it is best for you, even if you cannot see it yet.
It is in times of adversity that your faith in God and your trust in His will are most evident.
There are things in life that are just too difficult to handle. You must accept that you have no control over them and turn your attention to the Lord.
When life seems to be at its lowest point, that is the time when God’s presence is really close to you.

The Lord will not look at your achievements and your titles, but He will look at the faith in your heart.
You have to have faith in yourself. You must take risks and not be afraid to fail. Life is not always about being perfect. Sometimes you have to make mistakes and learn from them.
Sometimes God allows bad things happen, so that something good can come out of it.
Sometimes you have to move to another level when your current one isn’t working.

Your faith is not the price that buys your blessing, but the hand that takes it.
Faith is a way of looking at the situation through the lens of God, who can handle the situation better than we can.
Faith is like a muscle: the more you use it, the stronger it gets. The more you use it in difficult times, the stronger it gets.
Never let age or any other external factor get in the way of your goals.

If you are not faithful to your partner, how can you be faithful to God?
Even if it seems like you are working and struggling endlessly, your faith in the Lord will keep you strong until there is a way, because one day that way will be made.
Our thoughts have a lot to do with the affairs of our soul.
Faith is the ability to believe in things that science cannot yet understand. Faith is having faith in things that cannot be logically perceived.

Trusting God means believing that His rewards outweigh the risks.
All the beautiful things we have seen are only a shadow of the greatness of what God has prepared for us.
Faith helps you to always see the best in every situation, and it helps you to always keep hope, no matter what happens.
Those who do not have Christ ultimately have nothing.

Jesus comes to help you when no one else can.
Do not let the bad things that happen change your attitude and harm your faith. Keep trusting in the Lord and He will bring you where you need to be.
Faith is sometimes like a battle, and it requires not giving up, even when it seems impossible.
Faith is not believing that what you want will happen, but believing that the right thing will happen no matter what you want.

Just because someone has strayed from the true faith does not mean that he is not yet chosen as an instrument of God.
Faith is what motivates me when I can’t see how something will turn out.
The more you trust God, the more you will develop your faith.
If you truly believe that God is on your side, then you will be able to endure anything that life throws at you.

Do not worry about tomorrow, because God will take care of it, and if you trust Him, He will change everything for the better.
Instead of focusing on what you can’t do, focus on what you can do. And try to do it in faith.
It is through the good and the bad in life that your character is formed.
Faith is a beautiful thing. It enables you to stand strong in the face of all challenges.

The true Christian will not fear death because he knows that death is not the end.
Religion can be a good thing if it focuses on the right things and is used as a way to bring people closer to God, not as a substitute for Jesus.
Faith is trusting God in the most difficult times, even if you don’t understand what is happening or how to get through it.
Faith is a power that can move mountains. It is a power that can also lift you up.

If you take risks and trust in God, He will reward you.
If you focus on your fears, your faith will wither and your trust in the Lord will also weaken.
Those who believe understand that life is much more than logical explanations. They believe that in life, there is a purpose and a plan that is greater than any of us will ever understand.
Faith in God is a personal matter between you and Him. There is no right or wrong in approaching Him.

Do not lose faith in your goals; your breakthrough will come.
If you keep trusting in the Lord and keep praying, you will eventually see God turn things around, even if it takes a long time.
You have to have faith that there is a way out of every situation, no matter how hopeless it seems.
Faith is a decision you make to trust in something, whether it is yourself, God, or something else that can give you the strength and power to make things better.

You can have faith and move forward, or you can stand on the sidelines and watch life pass you by.
The believer does not really need to fear death because he knows that the life after death is much better than this life could ever be.
To live for God, you must dedicate your life to Him and do the hard work He asks of you.
You can’t just “have” faith. You have to “use” it.

Faith is believing in something before you can fully comprehend what that something is.
If you want to get better and stronger in your Christian walk and life, then reading and meditating on the Bible will help you a lot.
Faith is not something you wait for God to give you, but it is the action of reaching out and accepting what He has to give.
Faith is a necessity to discover God. You cannot know him if you do not have a deep faith that he exists.

Whether you have a high school diploma, a university degree, or no formal education at all, God does not care.
If you are a true Christian, death should not be something to be afraid of. But neither should you be complacent or arrogant.
It takes courage to turn away from sin and turn to God. It takes courage to leave situations concerning the flesh and turn to a holier life.
Listen to the voice of faith and follow its instructions.

God’s word in the morning will bring you strength, wisdom and knowledge for the whole day.
If you want to have faith in God, you must trust that He will do what is right, not what you want.
Faith that is based on evidence is not real faith.
You cannot grow in your faith just by praying to God; you must change your life by striving to become better.

You cannot achieve much in this life without taking risks. You just have to trust in the Lord that everything will work out in the end.
No matter how old you are, you can always make something of your life.
Start believing again, get your faith back, let the fire be rekindled.
It can be very difficult to go through difficult trials, but it is important to go through them anyway.

If you want your faith to be strong, you must apply it to areas you do not fully understand.
The less you worry about a problem, the more faith you have that God can and will solve it in time.